Student Solution


"Education is the most powerful weapon which you can use to change the world”
– Nelson Mandela

1 University

1 Course

1 Subject

Final Reflective Journal_Unit 10-Assignment 2_Leadership Through Personal and Professional Development

Final Reflective Journal_Unit 10-Assignment 2_Leadership Through Personal and Professional Development

Q • The theme of your final reflection should be "My Wish, My Hope, My Dream" and it should convey as authentically as you can who you as doctor of education will be. While constructed with critical reflection of your journey so far, and while using the principles of good scholarly writing you have been studying, this paper should be fun, exciting, and confident. It can be your personal manifesto as you move further on your doctoral journey. • Compile the individual entries of your reflective journal entries together into one Microsoft Word document, keeping them in the order of the units in which you completed them. Remember to keep the identity of the individual entries. • Reread the collected journal entries to find common threads and themes you think are important to your development as a professional. • Write a 3-5 page reflective paper and include what you have learned in the course that conveys your current thinking about your profession and about how your achieving a doctor of education degree will expand and enhance this thinking.

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Over the period of time, there has been a lot of knowledge gained through different readings and assessments which has helped in analyzing and bringing a better position to the personal and professional goals. It can be said that there are a lot of areas that were developed while going through some of the strong points that can be discussed. The journey for this course was to gain some great level of experience and knowledge which I will be able to use in my professional as well as personal life. The weekly reflections made me understand the value of continuously reminding yourself about the potentials that one have and how can it be applied to the real situations.